Welcome to Redefining Myself with Lupus and MS This blog page is a part of my commitment to educating, encouraging and empowering others who are living with these chronic illnesses, of which there is no cure. The enteries that you will find here will be from my personal experience, some hilarious, some bitching, but always packing a punch of witty determination. The Internet is revealing itself to be a powerful tool in people's lives. Networking with other patients has become a bright spot in my life and does add to my state of well-being ~ along with all the medications that I take. Living with an invisible illness sucks, but living with an undiagnosed and untreated illness, really sucks. Keep fighting, Kim
Hope is an inside job… The steps taken to gain and maintain the state of hopefulness is perhaps at times more painstaking than the exertion and discipline that it takes to train and prepare for a major sporting competition. Hope is not an emotion. Hope is sprung from the very opposite of which it is. Hope is a state of mind and being, that even small voice, from within, that says, “Tomorrow will be better. Things will work out. Keep moving forward.” Hope is a direct result of determination and perseverance. Hope is a gift of the human spirit. Hope gives birth to a new idea, opens doors and has the very power to influence minds and change lives. © Kim Nault 09/30/09